Text to Donate: an "iCrops" Update


In celebration of our partner AmpleHarvest.org turning 10 🎉, we have created a new way for you to get involved with iCrops! iCrops empowers local communities by connecting farmers with food pantries. This program helps bridge the gap between availability and access while reducing food waste, supporting local economies, and providing for families in need. Now, you can support iCrops with the tap of a smartphone.

Helping iCrops

Here's how it works:

  1. Text "iCrops" or "iCorps" to 44321 to receive a donation link
  2. The link will send you to iCrops' donation page on AmpleHarvest.org

Want to know how your donation is making a difference? Consider the following:

  • $10 = Helps 10 gardeners start donating fresh food to a local pantry.
  • $18 = Helps a garden club start donating food for the first time.
  • $25 = Helps a community garden share its bounty with a local food pantry.
  • $50 = (MOST POPULAR) Helps a local food pantry start accepting fresh food to aid hungry families.
  • $100 = Helps a soup kitchen get fresh food for nourishing meals.
  • $770 =  Helps connect an entire community of gardeners with a local food pantry.

There is also the option to set your own value, which helps create a lasting connection between gardeners and food pantries. iCorps employees, clients, or supporters can join the iCrops giving back initiative by participating in one-time or ongoing donations. AmpleHarvest.org utilizes all donations made through the iCrops initiative to fund the technology, website, and staff that enable gardeners and farmers to locate food pantries that accept garden-fresh produce for families and individuals who cannot afford it.

For more information about how you can get involved, please visit our site.