3 Important IT Support Concepts Your Employees Should Know


In many companies that have adopted a managed programs model for IT support, it can be helpful to deconstruct some of the tech-heavy jargon. A thorough understanding can lead to more efficient interactions with managed services providers, who may be on-premise to engage in some routine or project work. 

Here Are Three Important Concepts Your Employees Should Be Familiar With:

SSD Terminology

Most people are familiar with hard drives, but one of the more promising technologies of late is the solid state drive or SSD. These are storage hardware devices that use flash memory to contain data. Since they have no parts that move, they are highly durable and reliable, although more expensive than the traditional hard disk drives.

If your business uses SSDs or is considering transitioning to them, you may need to be familiar with some of the terms IT companies use to discuss them. One of the most important is SSD over-provisioning. This refers to a situation in which extra storage availability is included in a flash SSD.  What makes it ‘over’ provision is the fact that this extra capacity is not visible to the host controlling device. While this may seem at first to be illogical, it has a salient purpose: to increase drive longevity by not using all sectors continuously to full capacity.

Tier 0

IT support personnel may refer to Tier 0 from time to time. This simply refers to the level of storage that is fastest in the SSD array. Because it is the fastest, it also tends to be the most expensive storage level. Companies that need certain applications or data to be available without delay will want to make sure that they are hosted in Tier 0 storage. This will help to reduce the need to swap data in and out of fast memory, operations that can result in wear and tear on systems after millions or even billions of operations.


This term simply refers to 'resistive random access memory'. RRAM devices feature a different electrical resistance that can enable rapid switching speeds. For more information on the possible benefits of SSD storage in your business, contact iCorps today for a free consultation.

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