5 Ways an IT Governance Model Can Benefit from Outsourced IT


There are many different strategies to increasing profitability in a business, including delivering valued services, implementing effective pricing models, and creating a streamlined workforce. To create efficient workplace operations, an organization can engage in a variety of practices: look for specific credentials, seek out those with industry-specific experience, and finally, hire enthusiastic employees. Even with these factors, the workplace may not be as efficient as needed. IT departments are generally low on bandwidth and don't have additional time to create the methodology and framework needed to satisfy compliance standards. This can lead to security vulnerabilities, leaving an organization open to attack.

Here Are Five Ways Outsourced IT Governance Can Improve Your Security Posture:

Creating a Workable Plan

Before an organization can outsource anything, a well-researched plan must be created. This lets the organization indicate what they want to achieve, and helps them find the vendor who can accomplish those goals. It also creates a dialogue between the two parties to flesh out additional issues or questions that have not yet been addressed.

Following Day-to-Day Procedures

Scheduled updates, new installations, email rules – these are typical IT jobs that need to be performed. Having a third party perform these tasks lets the in-house IT team focus on more specific and interesting revenue-generating tasks while the vendor addresses routine functions that adhere to IT governance standards.

What does proactive IT look like for iCorps' clients? Find out in this quick video:


Keeping Current With IT Security Measures

In addition to the day-to-day IT tasks, outsourced IT services also offloads additional security measures to a vendor who has the knowledge and expertise to keep current with the latest trends, threats, and solutions. The vendor can perform the research, read the reviews, and recommend the necessary courses of action that would best suit an organization's needs and policies.

Engaging Outsourced Expertise

Delivering an in-house IT governance solution can simply draw an IT department’s attention away from pressing tasks to those where they do not have the background knowledge. But using a vendor that has specialized in IT security for years, an organization can feel safe knowing that they are reaping the benefits of both of the vendors while providing flexibility for their IT department.

Continued Monitoring and Reporting

After the policies have been created and IT security measures have been put in place, the final step is to monitor for any issues and report to those who need the information – such as an IT department. They can review the information to ensure that IT governance policies are being followed and recommend changes to improve the processes for more efficient and practical safeguards. If you're looking for a different class of outsourced IT service, our experts can help. From cloud computing to compliance, we can customize IT solutions to meet your unique business needs. For more information, please reach out to iCorps for a free consultation.

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