Mobile Security Management: 5 Ways to Improve Business Mobility


Since mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones contain native security measures, many business leaders question the need for a mobile data management system. Recent research has shown that SMB's have been slow to adopt mobility solutions for fear of the threats posed by breaches in mobile security. A reported 86% of U.S. companies have not yet adopted standardized mobile security measures to secure critical enterprise information. But mobile management programs can bolster and complement devices' native security - creating an integrated environment that protects your employees.

Here Are Five Ways to Improve Your Business Mobility:

1. Backup Your Mobile Data

The best way to prevent insecure devices from leaking data is to leverage cloud backups, in managed data centers with conditional network access controls. This prevents local copies from being stored on client devices, and reduces the risk of secure data finding its way into the public domain via a lost smartphone or laptop. Furthermore, smartphones generally do not include a firewall. Mobile data management agents can remedy this problem by enforcing firewall capacities on all devices connected to the organization's network.

2. Increase Security Measures

Most companies recognize the need to adopt a password system, so employees' devices are less likely to get hacked. Any password policy should be extended to all mobile devices that access company data. Companies should further consider implementing secondary security measures such as fingerprint readers, smart card readers, etc. If your IT department is struggling to create a mobile policy, here are a few steps to take.

3. Maintain a Registry of Mobile Apps

Apps tend to fall into two categories: productivity and business tools, and those that probably shouldn't be connected to a company network. Create a registry of common apps (or create a company-specific app store), that outlines this distinction. Lock devices with risky apps out of your network, and communicate the value of your application policy to employees. 

4. Encrypt Sensitive Files

Consider whole-disk encryption for company laptops and hand held devices. For laptops this is easy to achieve, however encryption can be more difficult in mobile devices, especially those with sophisticated messaging applications. Often these native apps make no effort to distinguish between personal and organizational data. Mobile management strategies can provide non-native messaging applications that encrypt and safely transfer sensitive company information. For an organizational standpoint, these programs also make it easier for IT staff to remove or provision devices as needed. 

5. Improve Content Management

Improved content management allows for clear separation of business and personal data. This makes it easier for your IT team to wipe data remotely. It also protects your employees' personal data from being impacted. Before issuing a mobile device or approving a connection to a company network, ensure you have a well thought out mobile strategy in place. Need help assessing the best mobility practices for your company? Get a free iCorps consultation today!

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