iCorps Technologies President & CEO Quoted in Inc. Magazine


How can your organization avoid the pitfalls of adopting new technology while mapping out your path to successful digital transformation? Inc. Magazine looks to iCorps Technologies President & CEO Michael Hadley to help answer that question. Read the full article below.

Here's What iCorps Technologies President & CEO Michael Hadley Quoted in Inc. Magazine

Digital Revolution

Modern upstarts and corporate giants share a common goal: Lead the digital evolution. Research from Gartner shows just how important this is, noting that 56 percent of the surveyed CEOs linked improved profit margins to digitalization. Yet knowing this fact and acting upon it are two very different things. 

A huge barrier to implementing more tech is the inherent culture shock that is involved in a transformation. Not everyone delights in a changing status quo; in fact, most people resist digital shake-ups. As a consequence, careful tactical planning is a must when transitioning to any new technologies, whether your company is large or small. This ensures employee buy-in, stakeholder support, and a greater return on investment for your business. 

Read the full article here: 4 Ways to Avoid the Pitfalls of Adopting New Technology

About iCorps Technologies
iCorps Technologies is a leading IT consulting, Managed Services, and Cloud Computing Company. iCorps provides strategic leadership, innovative services, and superior IT solutions implemented by the best IT consultants in the BostonPhiladelphiaNew YorkDetroit, and Charleston areas. With more than two decades of experience, the iCorps team is dedicated to delivering excellence to our customers by staying ahead of market trends and understanding new technologies that could impact their business. 

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