Cloud Computing Facts You Must Know Heading Into 2023


2022 is coming to an end, now is a good time to think ahead to 2023 and find out the cloud computing trends. Cloud computing could be vital for a business's growth. Without a doubt, cloud computing usage has continued to grow throughout the year and is anticipated to keep growing.

Check Out Our Cloud Computing Facts For 2023:


The State of the Cloud Computing Industry

  1. 60% of the world's corporate data is stored in the cloud. (Source)

  2. Cloud infrastructure services generate $178 billion per year in revenue (Source)

  3. Cost (51%) is the biggest factor holding companies back from adopting multi-cloud infrastructure followed by: Security (47%), Skill Shortages (41%), Complexity (35%), and Compliance (33%). (Source)

  4. PaaS will make a revenue of $164.3 billion by 2026. (Source)

  5. 36% of commercial real estate executives plan on investing in cloud computing. (Source)

  6. 51% of companies don't use encryption or tokenization to protect data stored on the cloud. (Source)

  7. By 2025, over half of the cloud spending will go to four main enterprise categories. These areas are: Business Process Services, Infrastructure Software, System Infrastructure, Application Software. (Source)

  8. In a survey of 750 cloud decision-makers, 81% said security was a top challenge. More than managing cloud spend (79%), governance (75%), and compliance (75%). (Source)

  9. Less than half of traditional small businesses use cloud infrastructure or hosting services. (Source)

  10. 44% of traditional small businesses use cloud infrastructure or hosting. Compared to 66% of tech-based small businesses and 74% of enterprise companies. (Source)

  11. Between 2022 and 2032, the cloud computing industry will be worth over $1.9 billion. (Source)

If you want to learn more about how cloud computing can power your business in 2023, schedule a free IT consultation to speak with one of our cloud consultants.

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