What Is an IT Service Level Agreement?


Businesses of all sizes today are outsourcing at least some of their IT needs. The benefits of IT outsourcing in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia include cost savings and exposure to expert IT professionals. The needs and environment of your organization are the primary factors in deciding which aspects of your IT operations to outsource, but it is possible to outsource all operations through a hosted cloud and services package if it proves to be the best solution for your business. Some IT operations, such as help desk support services, are now almost universally outsourced. The list of outsourced services offered by IT providers includes an array of customizable options.

Learn More About IT Outsourcing Best Practices, and IT Service Level Agreements:

Outsourcing Contracts and Service Level Agreements

The contracts between outsourcing providers and companies seeking IT services have become extremely complex today. Outsourcing of mission-critical processes requires a great deal more due diligence and contractual guarantees than outsourcing basic payroll or accounting functions. These complex contracts typically include one or more service level agreements (SLA's), in which the IT provider and the business specify in detail what services will be provided and create benchmarks to measure performance.

SLA's typically include sections focusing on the definition of services, measuring performance, problem management, responsibilities of the customer, security provisions, warranties, disaster recovery, and termination of the agreement. In some cases, SLA's can even speak in detail to the specifications of each service (location of employees, software platforms, etc.), but these types of contracts are becoming less common as both providers and clients have seen benefits from letting service providers develop their own innovative ways to provide the services.

Working with an Experienced Provider

Small and medium-sized businesses often can't afford an experienced legal team to negotiate a comprehensive IT services contract, nor should they have to. Working with a reputable, local IT services provider will alleviate the need for legal assistance while fulfilling all of your IT needs. From cloud computing to compliance, we can customize IT solutions to meet your unique business needs. For more information, please reach out to iCorps for a free consultation.

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